Friday, May 25, 2007

Lime Light Pie (USA)

Recipe by my great grandmother, Alta Harness Owen (1902-2003)
A note from my grandma about her: Alta passed away at the age of 101 and grew up in western Kansas. During my grandma's last visit with her, she was reminiscing about the Christmas celebrations of her youth. All of the family went to her paternal grandparent's farm and nice home for the occasion. Everyone could count on there being four cakes on the table for dessert.

Here is one of her recipes with a few twists I did as I worked on molding the recipe to fit my taste bud tastes

1/2 tsp salt
1 cup canned sweetened condensed milk, chilled
4 egg yolks, cold
1/2 cup key lime juice, cold

A couple drops of green food coloring
Baked pie shell or graham cracker crust
1 pint Whipping cream
1 tbsp powdered sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Grated lime and whipped peel for garnish

Combine: sweetened condensed milk, salt, and key lime juice.
Stir until thick. Blend in pineapple and food coloring.
Pour into baked pie shell and chill for 2 to 3 hours.
Whip 3/4 cup whipping cream until stiff. Fold in powdered sugar and vanilla.
Spread over top of pie and garnish with grated lime peel.


  1. This recipe doesn't look real. firstly it says in the ingredients section 4 egg yolks cold... but under method no mentioning of what to do with it.... and under instructions it says use pineapple...!?! where did the pineapple come from???
